Poetry Reviews on the Mad Poets Blog!

We are proud to announce that, starting in April, the Mad Poets Society Blog is going to introduce a new feature. The Mad Poets Book Club will feature reviews of books and chapbooks by local poets. The reviews will be written by some of the most exciting voices in the Greater Philadelphia Poetry Scene: Philip Dykhouse, Sean Hanrahan, Chris Kaiser, and Brooke Palma.

A new review will go up on the 1st,  3rd, and 4th Wednesday of each month. April 1st will be the first review, where Philip Dykhouse reviews poet Sam Fischer’s collection “Short Cycles”.

See the flyer below for details. Be sure to subscribe to the blog to get notifications about new posts. 

To subscribe to the blog:
1. Click the title of any blog post.
2. At the bottom right of the post, select "subscribe via e-mail."

Mad Poets Book Club flyer.jpg