Mad Poet of the Year - Ray Greenblatt (April 2021)

The Mad Poet of the Year blog posts share the poetry of a long-time Mad Poet. This year-long appointment provides readers with a deep dive of the writer’s work and thoughts on poetry. We are thrilled to have Ray Greenblatt serve as the inaugural Mad Poet of the Year for 2021.



 by Ray Greenblatt

 We have slid beyond rivalry

into old age.
Middle age was crammed
                       with bestial instincts
                       animal energy

we raked the walls
                           with nails of jealousy
gurgled excuses
acid tainting the air
we slung back & forth
                   discuses of lies
did the bear hug shuffle
               of one-upmanship
with strong arm raised swords
           to clang harsh upon arch
we spun nightmares of
                  the slaughterhouse
                   or lime pit
a shallow depression
                    beneath the rosebushes
                    behind the coal shed.

              an earthquake night
              pried up a piece of roof
              to let some light in.
Now we fumble
              in the bean field
slowly wielding mattock and trowel
              for its own sack
letting natural heat
              help the vineyard
we slump on the verendah
not even an elixir as buffer
we creak our heads
              in disbelief
look up more often
no more the truffle pig
letting glare water our eyes
we peer into
              each other’s pinched face
clasping hoof
              in horny hoof
emit a soundless chortle
              a sigh.

My wise father-in-law—who lived until 90 and played tennis nearly to his demise—stated that middle age is ten years older than you are. By middle age we have traveled quite a long path in life. As we grow, we change; recognizing who we are at times can be challenging. Literary and social references speckle this poetic path: “slaughterhouse…lime pit…rosebushes…coal shed…bean field…vineyard.” When we near our end, we have to resolve all that we have done.

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Ray Greenblatt has been a poet for forty years and an English teacher longer than that. He was an editor of General Eclectic, a board member of the Philadelphia Writers Conference, and is presently on the staff of the Schuylkill Valley Journal. He has won the Full Moon Poetry Contest, the Mad Poets Annual Contest, and twice won the Anthony Byrne Annual Contest for Irish Poetry sponsored by The Irish Edition. His poetry has been translated into Gaelic, Polish, Greek and Japanese.